You might not have much time to concentrate on numerous
procedures about using the plasma torch. However, it is nearly impossible to do
without the brainstorming required for the process completely. Otherwise,
negligence can cause effective amount of damage to the device. In order to make
your device last longer, apart from checking its condition, and the workability
of its parts, it is also important to control the height of the Hypertherm
plasma torch.
THC or the automatic torch height control system is among
the most important aspects about the mechanized shape cutter. This is one piece
of equipment on a plasma torch that is misused the most. In many fabrication
shops, the torch operator can be seen driving the device up and down for
cutting. The shop can go through a huge loss if the toggle switch on the device
does not operate properly or the operator is not trained to do the process
There is a variety of torch height controllers available
in stores that are used for different functions. Effective use of them can
result in perfect Hypertherm plasma service
and quality cut.
Have a
look at the major elements of a THC:
If all the controllers of the device do not
seem to be in perfect place, it is difficult to do the cutting process in an
error-free manner.
Motorised torch Positioned: This device
helps in the up and downward movement of the torch in response to any signal
from a console controlling it. Rack & pinion, screw driver, belt driven
mechanisms help translating motion.
Control Console: this part is considered to be the brain or central point of the
entire system. After receiving input commands from a remote control, it sends
output commands to a torch positioned.
Plasma system interface: This particular
device usually consists of a particular voltage divider card mounted inside a
plasma power supply. It divides a voltage signal for sending a smaller signal
to a control console.
In order to make the best use of the Hypertherm plasma service device,
it is of prime importance to keep the THC in great condition.