Monday, 23 January 2017

What is Meant by Precise CNC Plasma Technique

New and innovative machine technique is born every day in the world. Above all of them, the CNC or Computer Numeric Controlled machines are the most common device used for mass production such as metal or plastic. Normally, it looks like a normal controlling option for machines but the unique software used in computer really makes the gadget a different from other machine set ups. Have a look how CNC has made this gadget different from other devices:

Functional Process of Numeric Control

The machine tools under CNC control functions under numeric control. It is basically a computer program that is customised for an object and the devices are programmed with CNC machining language that is called G-code. Basically, it is the G-code that controls all the features of CNC plasma cutting machines like feed rate, location, control, speed and coordination. While you are using the CNC, the computer can control the velocity and exact positioning of the machinery. Manufacturing both the metal and plastic parts, you need to use the CNC processing method.

It Starts with CAD Drawing

At first, a CAD or Computer Aided Design is created before beginning the process of metal cutting. Both in two dimensional or three dimensional it can be created. After that a code will be created that will be understood by CNC devices. After the program is loaded, an operator is going to test the program for trial purpose. This trial is called ‘cutting air’. The trial run called ‘cutting air’ is an important step. Any mistake here will create havoc and machines are going to be damaged.

Advantages of Using CNC Devices

  • CNC can bring accuracy in cutting. While talking about precision it is much better than manual cutting.
  • Exact repetition is another advantage that you are going to get from these CNC devices.
  • While producing complex shapes, it is much better than CNC devices.

The usage of CNC or Computer Numeric Control has made this metal cutting process much precise. Use this CNC strategy to get perfect cut in metals.

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